Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hollow Year


とりあえず、今年はいいことのないHollow Yearである。さよなら、2008!

The time passed fast , 2008 is ending soon . I feel blue to say good-bye to 2008. first , I hate to gain an age . 29 coming soon but I’m still single. I feel bad because this makes my parents worry. It’s a bit too hard to find a perfect Ms.Right to fit my weird character . I dare not to say I don’t need a lover, but I don’t need a child due to my nierce is damn fxxking annoying recently.
What I did in this year ? I can’t answer it immediately . The spring of 2008 , I joined a new company , I thought to work as hard as I can. But we met a Economic Crisis of Japan & America. Most of the time I was free in company. Beside that, the boss’s wife doesn’t like me and I don’t know what is the reason. I’ve been “mental tortured” by her for quite a long time. Yeah , I was planned to quit but just not a timing. Now is the good timing , perhaps? I think I will quit after Chinese New Year . There’s another sad thing, my working partner Shimizu had to go back to Japan next year due to his company is closing soon. Hmm… What is the best thing I did in 2008 ? I’m proud to say , Its Drako’Zen getting famous after the event of JK4. We will work hard more on this coming new year. See you at SOM .

Anyway , This year is a Hollow Year. Good Bye 2008 !!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

S.O.M Audition

大家好! 好久不見, 別來無恙吧?
12月21日, 我團參加了明年3月舉行的日系音樂演出的試音活動"音樂之魂"。前一晚我團練習練到半夜2點多。Ejun因為擔心Hyro會睡死之故,所以把Hyro安置在Ving的家過夜。我和Ivan也直接在Ving的家過夜,當晚我入睡的時間是4點多,睡沒一下又連續幾次被Ivan的如恐龍吼叫般的鼻鼾聲吵醒,忍不住拍了他一下讓他靜下來了才比較好睡。隔天睡醒我們急忙去練習一次才到會場去。到達時,因為試音活動延遲開始之故,Armsitice剛剛試音結束。上去樓上,客廳擠滿了人,見到很多朋友,May Ling和Lolina還是第一次見面呢。因為樓上烏煙瘴氣,空氣不流通,我們跟所有認識的人打了招呼之後就到樓下去喝茶。本來是我們是最後第2隊,Strawberry Jam要求換時間結果我團變成最後一隊試音了。上去的時候剛剛好可以聽到Kawaii Sakura & Strawberry Jam 試音,超Lucky ^^ 到我們的時候,大部分的人都已經回去了,留下在客廳的10幾人都擠進來練習室看我們演習。裁判是之前關照過我們的Mario和一位音樂大學的教師.我們的演出都得到裁判的讚揚.但是不知道裁判或在座的各位有否發現到Ving的吉他在第一首歌曲的時候斷了弦,還有Meo在一開始的時候掉了匹克。


它竟然去了Comic Fiesta !!!! T_T

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Smile of a Moon & Star

The moon and star smiled to the earth on yesterday night. Dont you think its beautiful ?? We only can see this smile 400 years once. I regret i can't see it in my place. Thanks for shinya took the picture for me.

Monday, December 1, 2008

30th Nov 2008 Malacca Trip

Drako'Zen & Drak-Mobile

30th Nov 2008 - Since Ivan is unable to come to KL , Me , Ving, Kim , Meo and Ejun the baby sitter went to Malacca for a jamming session. We depart with Drak-Mobile (Drako'Zen Official Car) from KL on 9.45Am , Arrived on 11:30AM. Thanks for William guide us the way to the destination. The jamming Studio Mamba, We are using the 2nd room due to the 1st room equipment is rented out for performance. the 2nd room using Line 6 amp. sounds crappy. PA system not strong enough to support our heavy music, bass amp and drums is fine. But its much much more better than the studio that we 1st time jammed in Malacca. We played 3 new cover songs. 2 welldone , 1 sucks cause we dont have keyboard to fill the empty parts. Ivan suggest he will try to add the sample next jam session. After Practicing, We went to eat famous Malacca Chicken Rice-Ball. NICE !! We leave Malacca after meal , Reach KL 7.00pm. Me and Ving felt hungry again , went for supper XD . I go home after supper. What a good day i had ~~ XD