Thursday, August 28, 2008

Interview by Shinya

Questionnaire >_< For Drako'Zen??

Drako'Zenの全員の出席は無理なので、余とVingが対応することになりました。最初、学校の課題なので、普通のカッコで、一般の心情で行ったら大丈夫かなと思って、つい昨日一日、彼女は一所懸命Drako'Zenに聞く質問を計画してたのを知ってびっくりしました。しかも、ビデオ撮影が2人、写真撮影は1人、録音、面接担当が何人ぐらいいるらしいです。困りましたね~!余は本当に友達とみたいにバンドについての思いを語るつもりだったのに、今はちょっとプレッシャーかかってます。>_< まぁ、自分の課題のためにもあるけど、せっかくこんなに一所懸命やってくれるので、こっちも一所懸命対応します。シンヤちゃん、今夜よろしくね!

Tonight, I will meet Shinya for a interview for her colleage assignment.
Its impossible for all member of Drako'Zen to attend , so Me and Ving will corresponds this interview. In the beginning, I think its ok if I go with a normal dressing and normal mood cause that's just a school assignment. But as i knew yesterday ,she is working hard on the questionnaire about the interview. On top of that, she prepaid 2 Video Shooter, 1 Camera, voice recording and a few interviewer.I'm in a fix ,because I was thinking to interview like when friends hanging out and talk about band. But now i feel a little pressure >_< Anyway, almost of that you are do it for your assignment, but you ar doing it for us also. Thanks!! I will do it well tonight !

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tagged by Shinya & Elbe

Game Rules:
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog

Starting time: 2.25pm
Name: Reiki
Sisters: 1(elder)
Brothers: 1(elder)
Shoe size: 8
Height: 175cm
Where do you live: Shah Alam, Bukit Jelutong
Favourite drinks: Teh-C Ice
Favourite breakfast: Onigiri + Misoshiru

Have you ever
Been on a plane: Yes
Swam in the ocean: Yes
Fallen asleep at school: Always
Broken someone's heart: YES. Just did it.
Fell off your chair: Yes
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Yes.
Saved e-mails: some important person email only.
What is your room like: Its like a hotel. Just for sleep.
What's right beside you: Wardrobe
What is the last thing you ate: Zap Fan(fry sotong, potato braised pork)

Ever had
Chicken pox:
Sore throat: Yes
Stitches: No
Broken nose: Yes

Do you
Believe in love at first sight:
Yes... it really happened before in my life.
Like picnics: Yes but since being adult,no more going to picnic.
Who was were the last person You danced with: Forgot.
Last made you smile: Company staff.
You last yelled at: Her, I think.

Today did you
Talk to someone you like: Nop
Kissed anyone: Nop >_<

Get sick: Nop
Talk to an ex: Nop
Miss someone: yes.
Eat: yes, Full now

Best feeling in the world
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: yes.
What's under your bed: nothing
Who do you really hate: Backstabber.
What time is it now: 2:33pm

Is there a person who is on your mind now: Yes.
Do you have any siblings: Yup
Do you want children: Never Think before.
Do you smile often: Can always smile.
Do you like your hand-writing: Nop
Are your toe nails painted: Nop
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: Girl's bed :P
What color shirt are you wearing now: Sky Blue
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: Eating at Restaurant.
When did you cry last: 2 months ago, When I talk to her.(Damn it , i said i won't cry)
Are you a friendly person: Yes
Do you have any pets: Nop. Only blog pet i have.
Where is the person you have feelings for right now: At home(maybe).
Did you hold hands with the person who mean anything to you now: Nop
Do you sleep with the TV on: Nop, i dont watch TV.
What are you doing right now: Answering tag, talking with people, working.
Have you ever crawled through a window: Yes
Can you handle the truth: Yes
Are you too forgiving: Depends on situation.
Are you closer to your mother or father: Mother.
Who was the last person you cried in front of: Her!
This few years, only she saw my tears.
How many people can you say you've really loved: don't know.
Do you eat healthy: Healthy Gua ~~ got smoking but jogging also.
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: Yes. I never delete.
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you: Nop
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to: I will want to be alone.
Are you loud or quiet most of the time: always loud.
Are you confident: YES!!ALWAYS

5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. Form Band
2. Learn Japanese Language.
3. Went Japan.
4. Run away from house.
5. Wasting time.

5 things on my to-do list today
1. Online
2. Finish my band official myspace.
3. Doing arrangemnt for next performance
4. Jogging
5. Sleep

5 snacks I enjoy
1. Mamee Noodle Snack
2. Sat Keh Mah
3. Calbee Potato Chips
4. Senbei Rice Cracker
5. Dried Cutterfish

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1. Buy a banglow for my parents
2. Stay 3 months in Japan.
3. Kao a japanese GF
4. Publish an full album for my band.
5. Buy a BMW 5 Series.

5 of my bad habits
1. Dig nose
2. Fart everywhere
3. Lazy (sometimes)
4. Pervert :P
5. Like to bully my band mate.

5 places I have lived in
1. Telok Intan, Perak
2. Kepong
3. Shah Alam
4. Kuala Lumpur
5. Serdang.

5 jobs I've had
1. Teacher
2. Travel consultant
3. Junior Cook
4. Interpreter
5. Musician (?)

5 people I tag
1. Guki
2. Anna (minmay cheng sim)
3. Yuki6050
4. Ryusei
5. Angie Yap

I'm play for fun only . I know its childish ~ and i dont even enjoyed it.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Break 50 post !!!



All too soon , Divine Darkness is broke through 50 post!
It's 52 now finally !
Although its meaningless, but congratulation ~~!
Incidentally, say good bye to Beijing Olympic too !

不知不覺, 這個神聖的黑暗已經突破了50張投稿。
雖然很無聊很沒意思, 但還是要恭喜!!

Lazy Ass


Few days ago i biten by lazy bugs.
I damn lazy this few day !
No more KIAI ! Even Lazy to update blog !
Anyone , please wake me up ~!

沒有衝勁, 連部落格都懶惰更新

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Avril Lavigne Malaysia Concert

Am I Too Sexy ???

8月29日はKLにてAvril Lavigneのコンサート!だがこのコンサート開催にあたってドラマがあった
コンサートまであと1週間と迫った21日、突然、マレーシア・イスラム党(Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party)を中心にある記事を出す。Avril Lavigne Malaysia Concert Is Back On,Singer Says-Too Sexy Or Not!!訳)ネーチャンのダンスはエロエロやからマレーでやっちゃダメ!チケットも売り、会場も押さえてるにもかかわらずいきなりの中止、B族にはAvrilのダンスは刺激が強すぎるというのだ
理由はわからなくもない宗教のルールからくるものだから、そこは何も言わない。だがなぜ、今になって言うKLの街には2008/29/AUGUST Avril Lavigne Malaysia Concert !!と書かれたものがいたる所にある。これはどうするつもりなのだろうか?まさか、「僕が貼ったんじゃないから知らない テヘ」とか「アー あれ間違いゴメン ((人´Д`; 」などと言うつもりなのだろうか。どちらにせよ、国民の怒りを買うことには間違いない!当然、国家回教協会は楽しみにしていた国民から文句を言われる!あたりまえやなっ!文句を言われた国家回教協会はたった1日でコンサート中止を中止する発表をする。文句を言われて国の決定を簡単に覆したのである。笑った!聞いたときマジで笑った!さすがB族の政府。なにも、国をあげてネタとオチを作らなくてもいいのに・・・(笑)1週間前にそんな事をすればどうなるか予測はできなかったのだろうか。中止にするかもしれないチケットを何故売りに出したのか!政府にとっては長い1日だっただろう
24 -TWENTY FOUR- IN Malaysia
Word By Mr.Stingray

Thursday, August 21, 2008

1st Time Perform in JB

Drako'Zen は2008年8月30日、JBのNew York Hotel Discoで公演を決めた。独立記念日のカウントダウンイベントだよ!JBでの公演は初めてなので、JBの友達よ!是非応援に来て下さい。今回の化粧アーティストはいつもやってくれるLingじゃなくて、Ivanのお嫁のMelindaである。腕が違うので、雰囲気も違ってくるだろうけどありがたいと思います。そして、田舎にいるHyroさんもわざわざ休みを取って、ついて来てくれる彼に本当にありがたいと思います。彼は最近遅刻もしてなくて感謝しています。Ivanが言っていたとおり、俺らの髪型は絶対Hyroじゃないと行けなくなった。それは当たり前のことでしょう。そういえば、この前のMusic Attitudeで着たスーツもまだ洗ってない・・・今回はスーツじゃないイメージで行こうかと考えている。
俺は今自分のバンドで幸せ感じている。離れる気は全くない。今までバンドやって来たけどこんな思いは初めて。よっし!Drako'Zenよ、JBのNew York Hotel Discoを破壊していくぞ!

Drako'Zen will perform on 30/8/2008 night, in JB New York Hotel Disco. A Merdeka Day Countdown Event ! This is the 1st time we perform in JB. My friends in JB ,please come support us !! The make-up artist LING is unable to help us on this time, so Ivan's wife will help us on make-up this time, She is a pro also but just diffrent hands the result will diffrent to usually ,maybe ? Hyro from has took leave for helping us also, really thanks him so much. He is no more lateness ,really thanks to him. As Ivan said : Our hair is ONLY Hyro can make it good. Yeah, Its true. Oh ya, The suits I wear on Music Attitude is not wash yet >_< . I think this time we will go with Non-Suits image. I'm glad and proud with my band, I never think to quit it now. I played many band before but this is the 1st band that let me proud. Okay Drako'Zen, Let's destruct the New York Hotel Disco in JB !!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Japan Women Volleyball Team Loose To Brazil



 03年からチームを率いた指揮官は「世界との差は確実に縮まった」と自負する。だが、依然としてメダルは遠い。日本復活の見通しは、北京の空のようにかすんだままだ。(Infomation by Nikkan Sports)


Monday, August 18, 2008

Music Attitude @ Meet The Band ~ Day 3

Okay , Yesterday was the last day of Music Attitude-Meet The Band. The crowd was less than Day 2. The reason might be yesterday was the Olympic 2008 Badminton Grand Final (Wong Chong Wei from Malaysia VS Lin Dan from China) , everybody wanted to stay at home to watch the match on 6:30pm . Anyway, it wasn't hot like Day 2. Junk done well ! I was very shocked when i knew my ex ex ex band drummer (7 years ago) Brett Lee is Junk's Drummer. The world is too small. well, Glad to mee him back !!Brett , Well done on your performance ! The next is Strawberry Jam , We had a good headbanging ! Well, They performed the old songs that they'd performed on JK4 maybe because they have no times to practice new song .Steven unplugged his cable 3 times and drop the microphone twice ! XD XD ! That's funnY! I just took a few picture. Please have a look !

Stupid Gang !

Hua ~ Like that also can sleep !! Geng !
Another Live Gigs Sleeper !
J & Amelia and her sweet sister !
J & Amelia and her sweet sister !
Long Hair Gang ! Hann, Aluba, Яeiki

Thursday, August 14, 2008




1. 紅葉(くれは)
作詞・作曲: 瞬火
2. 飛影(ひえい)作詞: 瞬火・作曲: 狩姦・瞬火
3.木葉天狗(このはてんぐ)作詞: 瞬火・作曲: 招鬼

Monday, August 11, 2008

Music Attitude @ Meet The Band ~ Day 2

All right, Day 2 was pertty cool and hot. The crowd is more than Day 1 atleast. And there was many Professional Photographer running around the stage . Unlike JK4, there is even 1 Ivan's onstage pix. :P
Drako'Zen Perform on Day 2 , 3:00-3:30pm . We got many good comment from the supporter and crowd. Some of them likes Ugly'S (Our Ori), and some of them who is heavy metal kaki likes Akki (Our Ori) . For the headbanger hobbies, I can see you guys had a great head bang session eh ? Hehe~ I'm glad to see many of my friends come to support us, but some of them came but just keep quite so i didn't notice them came. Hah, And another 3 pcs band Psycho Anthem, there were GREAT ! The Guitarist is Malaysia version Yngwie Malmsteen , He really bring up the crown with his ultimate guitar skill. and last 2 songs, they played beyond's song, Oh my god , I really never enjoyed a Beyond's song like that before. He play even better than the original song. Psycho Anthem , Great band !
Here is my special thanks:
1st Thanks : Music attitude and organizer for giving us a chance to perform our original song and for the encore.
2nd Thanks: Our make up artist Ling, hair stylist Hyro, and all the friends who helped us on the back stage.
3rd Thanks : To all the suppoter, headbanger, You are damn cool!!
I just got those pix from LengLui Manager Anzy Yann, Thanks her also.
Okay, Let's enjoy the photo.
P/S : I will upload many to Flick R soon. Please be patient.
KIAI Pose of Drako'Zen

On The Sofa


Look at Drako'Zen, They're the cutest !!!

Just finish performed! Still on the stage.
Bang with Crowd!!

On stage ~~

Ivan & Meo






Thursday, August 7, 2008

Toilet Story









Guckt、Hyda、ミャピ: はーい!仕事します。1・2・3 うーーーーーん!ポタッ!ポタッン!





あらら~やばい!うんこの話で狂ってるよ~www! やめましょう~wwww

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Reiki & Frack

余が書いてる漢字全部読めてるし >_<
あはっ♪(^∇^*)*^∇^) あはっ♪

Few weeks ago, thru a friend, I made a new friend who was support us on JK4.
Her name is Frack .She is studying medical science in University, she used to stayed in Japan 3 years ago. She is fluent in Japanese Language, She able to speak like a japanese. She said she can't read kanji because she was english educated, But she can read all the kanji i typed......
She is adorable, and cute in character, she is small in size (Chibikko) ^^
She wrote about me on her own blog : "Reiki doesn't looks like 28, he looks younger than that !">___< "
I'm very happy to know her.
Frack, Yoroshiku Tanomu ne!
あはっ♪(^∇^*)*^∇^) あはっ♪

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Music Attitude @ Meet The Band ~ Day 1

Today , I went to Music Attitude @ Meet The Band ~ Day 1, The Pub is a good and kinda high class pub. Nice stage, perfect sound system, strong air-cond and colorful lighting. My friend Bouncing Asian performed 4 cover songs . Apple 7 performed 5 original songs and J'Misquall performed 1 cover songs and 4 original songs. Well done to Bouncing Asian , Apple 7 and J'Misquall ! you guys awesome ~! And Finally , I meet the legend band in local chinese indie band 浪 "LANG"!! They are damn skillful and good presentation on stage. Since they are only 4 pcs in band , the bassist able to handle the bass effect very well and covering their 2nd guitar emptyness. The drummer CY , played with Strawberry Jam on JK4 , spectacular skill and power. They totally bring up the crowd ! Great Band !
All right let's take a look of the picture.
Lang's Gt Aluba-chan!
Apple 7 Gt, Jeremy

Reiki & Apple 7

Bouncing Asian

The Humming Bird Fun Pub

Lang leh Geh Lang leh Geh Lang ~~


Practice Session 1&2/8/2008

、Drako'Zenのオリジナル曲が熟練したぜ!!5人の力を合わせて作った曲を、ぜひ皆さんに聴いてもらいたいと思う。俺達5人も自分が作った曲で自慢や満足と感じた。こんな気持ち、すっごく好き! 次は来週、8月10日の公演で皆に聞かせてやるよ!ヘドバンして首折れないように覚悟しておけ!

Yesterday , We finally mastered Drako'Zen original song. We wish we can let all of you to listen to our own music. We satify and proud about our own song. I damn like this feeling ! Please come feel it on next 10th Aug (Sun) . and becareful not to break your own neck during head banging.